Building an Audience – Revenue Revolution Roundtable

Virtual Event

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Are you ready to elevate your brand and build a devoted audience? The key to long-term success lies in building an engaged community around your brand. But how do you attract the right audience and, more importantly, keep them engaged? That’s where this training comes into play, offering you the tools and tactics to not only grow your audience but also foster meaningful interactions.

The Art of Making Your Launches Successful

Virtual Event

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Let’s face it: Launching a new product, service, or course can feel like setting sail in uncharted waters. There's a lot riding on getting it right. But what if you had a map to navigate these waters, a guide to help you avoid the common pitfalls and capitalize on the best strategies? That's exactly what we’re offering in this training.

Creating a Successful Holiday Sales Plan

Virtual Event

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Join us in October for "Creating a Successful Holiday Sales Plan" with Jennifer Tamborski! We all know the holiday season can be a goldmine for businesses, big or small. But with great opportunity comes great competition. How do you ensure your business stands out in the holiday hustle? Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or a newbie in the business world, this training is your ticket to turning the holiday rush into a revenue rush.

Marketing Must Haves to Reach 6 & 7 Figures

Virtual Event

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Dive into the key marketing strategies that are scalable and sustainable, ensuring that your business continues to grow without hitting a plateau. You’ll learn how to craft a marketing plan that not only fits your current stage but also evolves with your business as it climbs higher on the revenue ladder! Jennifer Tamborski, a seasoned Digital Marketing Strategist, guides businesses to surpass their goals with innovative marketing strategies. Elevate your content creation game and scale your business effortlessly in this transformative roundtable!

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