
Participate in our 14-Week Rise Bootcamp Training!

LeadHERship Global Rise Bootcamps are one of the most impactful and transformative initiatives within LeadHERship Global! The Rise Bootcamp experience provides the kind of remarkably valuable insight that senior executives need to grow their leadership and expand their influence, ultimately accelerating their success. Taught by some of the leading coaches and experts around the world, this 14-week course provides deep exploration of how to create greater workplace impact, sharpen leadership skills and take the next step in your career success.

Weekly Session Topic

Successful Career Planning
Cultural Competency
Impactful Leadership
Uncovering Your Work Values
SMART Career Goals
Your Impact Plan
Conflict Resolution
Setting Boundaries
Your Financial Health
Emotional Intelligence
Your Unique Value

Expert Speaker

Cecilia Dahl
Denise Cooper
Precious Nyarambi
Kim Woods
Liz Luckett
Amanda Bar
Robin Litster Johnson
Terilee Harrison
Ingeborg Mooiweer
Marie Torossian
Sunni VonMutius
Suzanne Castle

Females of Color

Collaborate with Other Leaders to Rise!

No matter your industry, strong leadership, innovative ideas and a team with the right training and development are critical to moving your organization forward. Don't miss the opportunity to strengthen your team, broaden and sharpen skills sets, and become more agile as the face of business continues to evolve. Join other leaders as they accelerate their success, expand their influence and continue to rise!


Your Success


Strong leaders, real difference makers, and people who leave their mark on the world of business have one thing in common: they are lifetime learners that inspire success. Great leaders find innovative ways to unite and engage people - teaching and training, and creating a workforce that’s ready for any challenge. Learn from other women in leadership as they share their own experiences, offer their expertise - and cheer, council and support you to greater levels of success and impact!

Impactful Leadership

  • How to Lead Authentically and Drive Change
  • The Influence of Bias in Our Leadership Style
  • Forging Positive Change and Empower Women
  • Biases that Hindering Career Advancement

Successful Career Planning

  • Knowing Your Value and Your Own Story
  • Assessing Your Professional Skills
  • Your Personal Brand and Communicating Your Worth
  • Creating a Success Network

Uncovering Your Work Values

  • Knowing Your Work Values
  • Your Work Benefits and Motivators
  • Mapping Your Values to Your Career

SMART Career Goals

  • Mapping Out Your Career Goals
  • Making Your Goals SMART
  • Putting Your Goals into Action
  • Mapping Out Your Role in Your Organization

Your Impact Plan

  • Mapping Out Your Role in Your Organization
  • Creating Lasting Impact in Your Organization
  • Audit of Learning Needs and Opportunities


  • Accepting and Adapting to Move Forward
  • Adapting to Adversity, Change, Loss, and Risk
  • Mapping Our Your Resiliency
  • Identifying Roadblocks and Actions

Conflict Resolution

  • The Types of Workplace Conflict
  • Five Conflict Resolution Strategies
  • Seven Steps in Conflict Resolution
  • Moving from Harmful to Healthy Conflict

Setting Boundaries

  • How to Establish Healthy Boundaries at Work
  • Assessing Your Boundaries
  • Communicating Your Boundaries
  • Preparing for Boundary-Breakers

Emotional Intelligence

  • The Five Components of Emotional Intelligence
  • The Four Types of Emotional Intelligence
  • Assessing Your Level of Emotional Intelligence
  • Improving Your EQ at Work

Revealing Your Uniqueness

  • Elevating Your Self-Concept and Awareness
  • Leading a Life of Impact


This 14-week program is a game-changer for C-Suite executives and leaders across industries. All participants connect for a 90-minute meeting each week, offering teaching, training, coaching, discussion and hands-on workshops.


Each week, a well-respected expert and coach teaches the course and offers personalized one-on-one, on-demand coaching and training afterward, which provides additional value for all participants.


All participants receive resources, worksheets and materials about that week's topic for self-directed study and learning throughout the week. These valuable resources will serve as reference material after the Bootcamp is over, and can be shared with team members.


Each week, participants connect in 30-minute confidential discussion with an assigned partner, to learn, grow, share and discuss the week's lesson, building relationships and opening opportunities for ongoing mentorship.

Rise Bootcamp Registration

We are sorry, there are no more spots available for this event. If you would like to join our waiting list: https://leadhershipglobal.com/waiting-list/

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