Overcoming Challenges for Female Founders and Entrepreneurs

Only about 3% of companies founded and led by women get venture backing, though 40% of companies were founded by women, and they generate 26% greater return than those founded by men. Access to capital can be a big hurdle when starting, building, and scaling a business. It is the reason that 83% of new businesses rely on personal or family savings of the owner. So, how can you attract investment funding as a women-owned or women-operated business? How can you overcome some of the unique some of the unique challenges for women founders and female entrepreneurs? Listen in as we speak to Jessa Robuck, a visionary entrepreneur who synthesizes a lifetime of work into high-impact, mission driven community building at VidaLuz, about how she has navigated the challenges of being a female founder and overcome the many pitfalls and setbacks of the entrepreneurial journey.

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