How Powerful Women Speak in Public

The biggest gift we can give someone is our presence. Powerful female speakers are distinctive in their presence – the way they enter the stage with confidence and enthusiasm, their shoulders held upright and the look of calm on their faces. Their presence is communicated not just by their words, but through the clothes they wear and the grooming of their hair, makeup and accessories. They look polished and professional and they radiate credibility. They embody leadership, confidence and authenticity – and you feel safe and guided in their capable hands.Today, we’re going to talk about women and public speaking. We’re going to dig deep into understanding how women are showing up in front of audiences, and how you can cultivate a powerful presence. Dr. Laura Penn, who specializes in transforming leaders and changemakers into speakers who are authentic, accessible, and memorable, will be digging into how women can create leadership presence. How do they use their voices? How do they speak body language? What are the obstacles to success for some women; and what are examples of best practice in public speaking for women? Laura will be talking about all these aspects of creating a powerful presence and more!

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