Monetizing Your Message through Public Speaking

According to the latest report from the “Brokerage of Speakers and Coaches,” the world has one million too few speakers and one million too few coaches. In fact, there are approximately 64,000 events every single day that need speakers. And, importantly, there is more than $100 billion spent on speakers for business meetings, organizational conferences and special events per year. Even with the new normal of nearly all speaking opportunities now being virtual, we still see $100 billion spent for speakers worldwide.

Importantly, only 1% of all the speakers in the world are women. This is true in every single speaking category: beginners, wannabe, part-time, full-time, corporate, trainers, politicians, athletes, & celebrities. The industry is starving for more women speakers.

As an internationally known speaker, business coach for public speakers and author of several books, Orly Amor shares the many opportunities available to business owners and public speakers to grow their brand and position themselves as subject matter experts. Learn how Orly helps public speakers create their system, blueprint and business model to make more money in less time.

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