Refer & Recommend International Networking

Virtual Event

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At our Refer and Recommend International event, members ask for what they need and offer what they have to give. In a confidential, safe environment, you can describe the biggest pain point you’re facing, and where you need help from other LeadHERship Global members around the globe. LeadHERship Global’s mission is to serve, advance and accelerate the success of inspiring leaders worldwide. All the generosity of the LeadHERship Global community is at your fingertips!

Create Your Media Blueprint

Virtual Event

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Build Authority. Be Seen. Become Unforgettable. If you’re still the best-kept secret in your industry, it’s time to change that. In this powerful session, discover how to turn your personal brand into a global authority using strategic PR, digital media, and online positioning tools that actually work.

Scaling Your Business with Paid Traffic

Virtual Event

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If you’ve ever wondered how those big players in your industry seem to attract a steady stream of leads and sales while sipping lattes, the secret isn’t hustle—it’s strategy. And one of the most powerful tools in their arsenal? Paid traffic. Scaling your business doesn’t have to mean doing more. It’s about doing the right things and letting your paid traffic work for you—so you can focus on what you do best.

Land Clients Consistently with Simple, Scalable Strategies

Virtual Event

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In this 90-minute hands-on workshop, Visionary Entrepreneur head coach Jeremy Montoya will help you install a simple 2-step system that attracts clients from the high-end of your market, brings you fresh leads everyday, and creates simple sales for your course or coaching program weekly.

The GROW Method: Building Business Wealth

Virtual Event

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Discover how successful entrepreneurs can leverage their business expertise to build personal wealth that exists independent of their companies. You'll transform your business success into personal wealth mastery by applying your entrepreneurial genius to investing, creating financial independence that exists whether your business thrives or not.

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