Corporate America at a Crossroad: The Consequences of Gender Inequality

In a year marked by crisis and uncertainty, corporate America is at a crossroads.  The choices companies make today will have consequences on gender equality for decades to come.  The pandemic intensified challenges that women already faced with balancing childcare, school, household labor, and a full-time job. Companies risk losing women in leadership—and future women leaders—and unwinding years of painstaking progress toward gender diversity and gender equality. 

So, what needs to change in the workplace to create an equitable work environment for women?

As leaders, what can we personally do to cut down the time it will take for women to receive equity in the workplace?  We’ll explore these questions and more with our guest today, Denise Cooper, the Founder and CEO of Remarkable Leadership Lessons, Best-Selling Author, Executive Coach and Keynote Speaker.

Women have been in the workforce since WWII and yet the latest report from the World Economic Forum indicates that it will take over 200 years before women realize equity in the workplace. Why isn’t gender equity progressing faster?  Denise will answer that question and discuss it takes to make quicker progress toward gender equity, and what action you can take today to help speed up progress toward gender diversity and gender equity.  Don’t miss it!

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