Tips for Creating Media Exposure

Access to media has never been more important that it is today. There are so many amazing ideas, products, services – and businesses – that never really take off because they cannot get the media exposure – and therefore, the customers – required to make it work. Digital marketing experts estimate that most Americans are exposed to around 4,000 to 10,000 ads each day. At some point, we start a screening process for what we engage with and start ignoring brands and advertising messages, unless it’s something that we have a personal interest in. That is where PR kicks in. Instead of your potential clients being exposed to yet another ad, a well-constructed publicity campaign, is editorial in its nature. People are listening to a radio interview, watching a TV interview, reading an article on a website or in a magazine, and so your message is breaking through, and sinking in. Today, we’ll speak with Angel Tuccy, Media Exposure Specialist at Vedette Global Media, about how to create a well-thought-out PR strategy that create a positive image for a long time and ensures stable company success.

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