Guest: Tara Jaye Frank – Speaker, Consultant, Founder at MORE THAN: A Movement, and CEO of TJF Career Modeling, LLC
Relationships are a powerful part of who we are. They can help make us feel like we belong, like we have something to contribute to this world. They can strengthen us. They give us reason to affect change and, more importantly, to be changed. But it’s often difficult to connect with people when we don’t understand their background. How do we learn to interact respectfully and knowledgeably with all the people in our lives who exist outside our inner circle—people whose culture and worldview is so far removed from our own? How do we use our differences to strengthen our bond as humans? The key is cultural competence. Cultural competence is the ability to understand, communicate with and effectively interact with people across cultures. Join us as we discuss unlocking the potential of diverse teams with Tara Jay Frank, Speaker, Consultant, Founder at MORE THAN: A Movement, and CEO of TJF Career Modeling, LLC.