How to Leverage Your Co-Creative Ability

Most leaders have moment of intuitive insight, but they don’t live intuitively. In the co-creative state, you experience a high-level of engagement and clarity, which transcends your current human thinking.

Co-creation means tapping into the collective consciousness of the universe, working in tandem with it create new and novel possibilities. In a co-creative state, you can experience a higher level of engagement, enjoy a oneness of being, and transcend limited human thinking. Who you are in your co-creative form is limitless.

Think about it – when elite athletes are “in the zone” they say time slows down, reaction times speed up, and they know what to do long before they have to do it. When was the last time you really felt in the zone? Most leaders know what its like to be “in the zone” but don’t know how to live there all the time.

Today, we’re going to talk with Sally Anderson, world-renowned leadership coach, leadership advance facilitator, inspirational keynote speaker, author and master coach trainer, about how to live “in the zone” by learning the art of co-creative leadership!

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