The Lessons Learned from High-Stakes Leadership during COVID-19

The story of the spread and unthinkable human tragedies of COVID-19 is the ultimate case study in high-stakes leadership. The ones who passed this test with flying colors are disproportionately women. This is despite the fact that they make up only 7% of heads of state. And, none of us can afford to miss the lessons here. The number of COVID-related deaths is predicted to be substantially lower in areas where leaders acted sooner, even by a week. All leaders, including men, can learn from what we have seen women do in this crisis. This moment in history offers a fascinating and real-time opportunity to understand the consequences of leadership decisions in a high-stakes situation. What might be some of the strengths we take for granted, as women, that help lead in high-stakes situations, and can be recognized and applied to everyday leadership challenges?

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