Enlightened Leadership Roundtable

2022 Topic Schedule


What is an Enlightened Leader?





We often talk about "being in the zone" or "being in flow", but what does that mean? In this session, we will talk about Flow, how to get it, how to stay in it and what are the benefits of having. We'll also talk about what blocks it, as well as share our experiences of being in flow or not.



Being present is one of the most important things we can do in life and leadership, but we're so often NOT present. In this session, we'll talk about what it takes to be present, to demonstrate presence, and why it's important. We'll share our experiences and challenges with truly being present as leaders.



True acceptance is one of the most challenging aspects of Enlightened Leadership, but there's little that makes us feel as good as being accepted. We'll talk about what Acceptance means, how to accept ourselves and others as they are, and when that's not easy to do, especially when boundaries are being crossed.



Forgiveness is a word that's not often spoken relative to leadership, but it can play an important role in our effectiveness and our consciousness. What does forgiveness mean? Why forgive? And how do we forgive without allowing others to continue to hurt us.



Do you have a reverence for life and all that encompasses? And what does that mean to you? We'll explore the word reverence relative to leadership, and learn how it can change your whole perspective on people and plans. We'll share our successes and challenges with being reverent.


Unconditional Love

Love has no place in business - or does it? Unconditional love is the stuff of religion and mystics, but it's really not. Love does belong everywhere in our lives. We'll talk about what love in the business world looks like, how to embody unconditional love, and what about love in the workplace challenges us.


Sacred Listening

We all know that listening is an important leadership skill, but what is sacred listening? How is it different, more important and more effective? We'll explore the concept of sacred listening, learning how to tune in from a different level of consciousness.



Effective leadership requires trust, but how do you build it or rebuild it once it's been broken. We'll talk about the challenges of building trust in remote situations, in dysfunctional environments, and the value that true trustworthiness provides.



Just in time for Thanksgiving, we'll talk about building a practice and culture of gratitude. Studies have shown that gratitude is one of the most important things we can do for our well-being and happiness. How do we embody gratitude as a leader?


Highest Good of All

An Enlightened Leader looks for solutions that are in the Highest Good of All, but that can be challenging when there are conflicting interests and stakeholders. We'll talk about how to discern the highest good of all and how to communicate this vision. We'll share our success stories and challenges.

Your Facilitator

Karen Ann Bulluck Headshot

Karen Ann Bulluck

Karen Ann Bulluck
Higher Self Solutions, LLC

Karen Ann Bulluck brings over 30 years of corporate experience to her leadership and executive coaching practice. She left corporate work as an Executive Vice President and Board Member to earn CPC and iPEC Coach Training certifications as well as a M.S. in Organizational Leadership and has served over 7 years as a coach.  As a coach, Karen helps her clients develop an executive presence and style that is based on their core values and beliefs rather than the “expected” corporate image. She supports them in bringing their whole, authentic self to the workplace, reducing internal stress, improving relationships, and increasing creativity. Karen is the author of the novel, Ascending Ladders, which follows a female executive as she brings her Higher Self to work.

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