Business Owners’ Roundtable

Virtual Event

Register for the event CO-CREATIVE LEADERSHIP: Who You Are In Your Human Form Is Limited Versus Who You Are In Your Co-Creative Form Is Limitless! Learn how to become unconsciously competent in your ability to access the co-creative realm. We will deep dive into your relationship with your faith, whatever that is for you. How to leverage it, how to walk it versus talk it and how to have it be a leading strategy in your life and business in 2024!

Business Owners’ Roundtable – Hidden Gold Mines: Identify and Understand Your Current Value

Virtual Event

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As we all know, time is money and generally taking the time to stay educated can be a challenge. We’ve made this challenge easier with our impactful "Business Owners’ Roundtable," where we delve into the secrets of valuation, risk management, value growth, exit strategies, and so much more! Join us in January for "Hidden Gold Mines: Identify and Understand Your Current Value” with Advanced Tax, Exit, and Value-Growth Strategist - Amanda Bar, EA, CEPA.

Business Owners’ Roundtable – Fortify Your Fortress: Risk-Proof Your Business

Virtual Event

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Join us in February for “Fortify Your Fortress: Risk-Proof Your Business” with Advanced Tax, Exit, and Value-Growth Strategist - Amanda Bar, EA, CEPA and learn: Spotting trouble before it starts: Proactive risk management. Shields Up: Safeguarding your business against threats. Transferring Risk: Turning policies into powerful risk management tools.

Business Owners’ Roundtable – Innovation: Charting Paths for Value Growth

Virtual Event

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Join us in March for “Innovation: Charting Paths for Value Growth” with Advanced Tax, Exit, and Value-Growth Strategist - Amanda Bar, EA, CEPA and learn: Stand Out of the Crowd: Basics fueling growth with innovation; Scale Smart: Building processes that grow with your business; Power Alliances: Creating partnerships that supercharge your value.

Business Owners’ Roundtable: Profit Harvest – Strategies for Maximizing Your Business Exit

Virtual Event

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Join us in April for “Profit Harvest: Strategies for Maximizing Your Business Exit” with Advanced Tax, Exit, and Value-Growth Strategist - Amanda Bar, EA, CEPA and learn:
Smooth Operator: How to make your business turn-key for your next generation. Learn: Maximize Returns: Set your business up for a successful exit when you choose. Learn: Beyond Market Timing: How to know when is best to exit your business.

Business Owners’ Roundtable – Value Commander: Leading Your Business to Greater Heights

Virtual Event

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Join us in May for “Value Commander: Leading Your Business to Greater Heights” with Advanced Tax, Exit, and Value-Growth Strategist - Amanda Bar, EA, CEPA and learn: Owner Centricity: How to hand off the baton and empower your team for growth; Operational Excellence: Mastering day-to-day value enhancement; and Metrics Magic: Key performance indicators for managing business value.

Business Owners’ Roundtable – Value Maximized: Pricing, Retaining, and Engaging for Success

Virtual Event

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Join us in June for “Value Maximized: Pricing, Retaining, and Engaging for Success” with Advanced Tax, Exit, and Value-Growth Strategist - Amanda Bar, EA, CEPA and learn: Pricing Power: Strategies for pricing that enhance value and profit; Customer Liftoff: Maximizing customer lifetime value with stickiness; and Employee Enchantment: Boosting business value through engaged teams.

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